Recovery from Addictive Behavior

“They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said, No, no, no…”

~Amy Winehouse

Does a vow to quit cold turkey provide the solution?

The answer is no. If you could quit cold turkey alone, you would have done it years ago.

Breaking free of the chains of addictive behavior takes courage, determination, and a good deal of support.

Recovery to joyful living involves more than a simple vow to quit.

Rehab, a recovery program, a sponsor, and a therapist are healthy, humble, and honest roads that lead you away from destruction and toward sober, sane, joyful living. Honestly – you deserve what you need for full recovery!

Support for recovery from your addiction is available.

I’ve benefitted hugely from recovery work in several 12-Step programs.

There is no substitute for a good program, and there is no substitute for a good therapist.

If you happen to be near Nashville, you are blessed with a multitude of programs.

I feel for you if you live in a remote area: recovery is immeasurably harder without steady support.

It is time to come out of the shadows and begin to heal.

Shame lies very close to the heart of the nuclear reactor that fuels addiction, and I beg you to come out of the shadows and open your heart to heal from shame.

My commitment to you as a therapist is to provide a space and time to safely and progressively pour out that poison.

Make no mistake: these habits are killing you, absolutely keeping you from becoming fully and truly yourself.

When you’re ready to make a change, give me a call at (615) 289-6546.